Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at 0930 hours, at the RSL Memorial Hall, 139 Fern St, Gerringong
Once Navy Always Navy
Seeking ex and serving royal australian navy members
We on the south coast have three naval sub - sections and we would like you to join one of us
It is a way to stay conneted, meet old mates or make new freinds to enjoy Naval tradions olda and new, camaraderie and respect for history.
Why not give one of us a call.
Gerringong meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month at 10:00 = contact Rob on 0428669820
Shoalhaven meetis on the 4th Tuesday each month at 11:00 - contat sheryl on 0412 164 018
Illawarra meets on 2nd Wednesday each month at 1900 Contact Jacinta on 0402 680 172