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Imogen Draisma

Imogen Draisma

Labor for Kiama Council

I am Imogen Draisma and I grew up in Dharawal Country, on the beautiful Minnamurra River. I was raised by my single mum with my two brothers and attended both Kiama and Minnamurra public schools.

I am 22 years old and currently completing a double degree in Law and Arts at the University of Wollongong. I am standing for Kiama Council because the inclusion of young people, particularly young women, will lead to better outcomes for the community.

1 in 4 people in the Kiama Municipality are under the age of 30. Currently, there are no councillors representing our demographic. I hope to change that.

It is paramount that fiscal and environmentally sustainable policies are delivered to ensure that Kiama Council is fit for the future. If elected, I will work hard to make sure that young people are represented, heard and ensure that there is a focus on the long-term effects of Councils' decision making.

You can be assured that I will work hard to make Kiama Council more responsible and accessible to all members of the community.

Authorised by J.Cole, Shop 6/4 Tingira Crescent, Kiama NSW 2533