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Julia Roso

Julia Roso

Team Reilly

Julia has academic qualifications in Business Administration & Software Engineering and Atmospheric Science. She is a Chartered Professional Engineer with broad multidisciplinary experience across IT, strategic planning and engineering.

She was Manager Strategic Infrastructure Planning at Moreton Bay Regional Council, where she led a team of 15 people and was responsible for planning the coordinated provision of trunk infrastructure to cater for growth in the region. This included the development of strategic network plans for roads, stormwater and open space, and associated development contributions policies, integrated with plans for service provision for water and sewerage, the definition of standards of service, conceptual infrastructure design and cost estimation, capital works programming and prioritisation, and the preparation of development contributions policies.

After a maternity break she was then Strategic Planning consultant to UnityWater, the Moreton Bay region's Water and Sewerage service provider, where she prepared the first Growth Management Strategy and subsequently initiated the commissioning of a Demand Modelling and Tracking Tool to allow UnityWater to plan for demand on services and track uptake of capacity.

Now an independent consultant, she provides planning and engineering services in land development, water engineering and infrastructure demand forecasting.

Her background led Julia to take an interest in local government in her chosen home Kiama, where she is privileged to live with her young family on an iconic piece of farmland in Jamberoo. She is an avid animal lover, runs a herd of Pinzgauer cows, rides Spanish horses and breeds Standard Schnauzers. She also likes to play baroque music on her harpsichord.

Julia looks forward to using her experience to help launch a better Council.

Authorised by Neil Reilly 4 McFaul Place, Kiama, NSW 2533