Since its launch in 1971, Kiama Garden Club has aimed to foster friendship through gardening.
As a member you will meet people who share your passion for gardens.
Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Friday of each month (except December and January). Meetings usually have a:
- Speaker on a wide range of garden-related topics
- Specimen Table: Members are encouraged to bring along one floral stem from their garden. Points are awarded from members’ votes with an annual prize
- Trading table has plants, home-made goods, produce and anything gardening for sale
- Morning tea enables you to chat with others in a relaxed setting
- Christmas Luncheon is held in December.
The garden club also organises the following:
- An informative monthly newsletter on all things gardening
- A pot plant is presented to you on your birthday
- A Spring Garden Competition is held annually with each category winner receiving a prize at the awards ceremony held in November.