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A word from our Mayor

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Mayor Neil Reilly

09 October 2023, 12:37 AM

A word from our Mayor

Kiama Municipal Council has been in the financial doldrums, but after nearly three  years, we can reset our sails and set course for a better financial future.  

Now is the time, (to extend the nautical metaphor!) to look at the charts and  reimagine our council’s future. 

Having made money out of divestment, now is the time to make more than just  money out of re-investment. 

Our investment will be in the community, in infrastructure, revenue streams, and a  way to champion new, innovative, breakthrough ideas while attentively managing  risks.  

We have learned from the past not to overstep the mark; we must modestly consider  our intentions and understand that it’s not the thing that we want, but rather the  outcome the thing will give the community. 

We must collaborate inside and outside the organisation to maximise our shared  dreams.  

We have great people in new committees to bring greater value to our area. We  have new directors with a new and clearer vision.  

We have a group of councillors who are champing at the bit to move forward. What kind of things can we do? 

Along with financial repair, we need our roads and infrastructure to be tough and  resilient, we are already working hard on this.  

We’re also working on technological and digital transformation, which will help us  retain and train our workforce and how we engage with our community.  

With our experience and the received wisdom of others, we should prepare now for  severe weather events.  

We know how things can change so quickly and how responses are enacted, what  went right, but also what went wrong.  

Some councils have Memoranda of Understanding dedicated to affordable housing;  this is not a bad idea and can be achieved if we focus not on a quick buck but on  generational outcomes. 

We are, as I mentioned in the last edition, looking at a town centre plan which  features necessary growth balanced with strong measures to retain our character  and heritage.  

Our environmental well-being should always be at the forefront of our ideas for the  future. 

So, we need to be putting forward energy efficiency initiatives for the council as the  biggest business in town, this is not a wish, it’s an obligation.  

At one time we may have been facing disaster, now we’re looking towards a bright  and achievable future.  

It’s taken hard work, hard decisions and a good long hard look at ourselves. 

I have recently come out of a rough time, not directly linked to the council.  It had to do with my health.  

But now I am OK. This healing would not have been possible without the most  fabulous help and support from the nurses and staff of Kiama Community Health  Centre.  

Following surgery, they came to my home, they came to council, they dressed my wounds, offered professional advice and gave me genuine kindness.  

Gifts I can never repay. 


They do this for people every day, day in and day out.  

Thank you.