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Author Lisa Brett has found happiness when it hurts

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Belle Wood

05 December 2023, 10:23 PM

Author Lisa Brett has found happiness when it hurtsLisa Brett

Meeting with Lisa Brett, an Australian author with deep roots in Kiama was an absolute pleasure. Her inspirational book, "Finding Happiness When It Hurts," has been enriching lives since its publication a year ago.   

"Finding Happiness When It Hurts" is a vibrant collection of real-life stories, infused with nuggets of wisdom and practical tools to guide readers in discovering blessings in adversity. This book reveals that not only is happiness within reach but also you can change your life for the better immediately. It provides comfort, reassurance that you’re not alone, and practical ways to help you flip how you see and think about dark moments. Holding the first edition in her hands, Lisa said that it was an emotional experience. The culmination of all the different processes involved in getting her work to print.  A precious feeling. 

Lisa, renowned for her engaging talks, book signings, and appearances on local radio and in magazines, often shares her insights at literary festivals. At these events, she generously distributes hand-painted gratitude pebbles, a tangible reminder of the importance of gratitude in our lives. She declared that the book concept found her – she felt guided to write it and it flowed freely as she embarked on the task. 

After a decade of layer upon layer of trauma, she came to the point that she had to deal with herself rather than drowning in an abyss. Coming across the 1920’s thought movement on you tube, she started positive thinking, visualisation and ascribed to helping herself through a process. 

It is a mammoth effort to extract oneself from a dark place. She had faced domestic abuse, financial woes, divorce, health concerns and bereavement – one after another. Out of the well spring of emotion she managed to move forward. Other people’s stories were a part of the healing process and there are many cameos in her book. 

Lisa had a background in journalism in Australia and was a TV reporter and newsreader for Channel 4. She took over as media advisor to Trevor Griffin – attorney general of SA with the new incoming liberal party in her career path.  With a huge portfolio she felt totally privileged in the role. As a venerated celebrant also, she has many poignant stories that sometimes just have to be told and enhance the fabric of her life experiences and book cameos!  

Lisa's top 10 tips for finding happiness are encapsulated in her book, offering readers a path to inner joy and fulfillment during challenging times. One of her key secrets is embracing gratitude for both the big and small aspects of life, uncovering hidden blessings in adversity. She even suggests holding a gratitude pebble while expressing thanks to enhance focus and positivity. Lisa’s aim is that this becomes your go-to book in time of need.

If going through difficulties she maintains that it is possible to find happiness again, but you have to be prepared to meet the universe halfway. Good times are around the corner, and you must be on the lookout for blessings in life.  Stay in touch with your intuition and take notice of red flags. Give up people pleasing and fill your tank so that you have an overflow for others. Practise healthy boundaries and self-belief by nurturing your self-worth and esteem.


Currently living in the UK – closer to France than London as she can see Callais from her local beach – Lisa is working on her next venture – a book that captures 5 cameos and vignettes that share life tools such as the Lotus lesson. But meantime she is enjoying her holiday time in Kiama – reliving her memories from Kiama that have special significance for her family as their regular vacation destination over the years. 

For more about Lisa and her work, visit her author's landing page: Lisa Brett Author. Her book is available through Amazon Australia.