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Beaches and roads closed

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Cathy Law

08 February 2023, 10:52 PM

Beaches and roads closedA sewage overflow point on Bonaira St at Kendalls Beach

Concerned about water quality from sewage overflows, Beach Watch is strongly recommending people not go into the surf at Kiama beaches for a few days [see our earlier article about our outdated sewerage system - Sydney Water to fix Bombo odours].

Council has also closed the Continental rock pool at School Flat, while a landslide is being made safe.

With heavy rain overnight – there have been reports of 100mm in two hours in Kiama and 126.8mm has been recorded in the 24 hours to 9am at Bombo Headland – it is best to stay off the roads if you can.

Alison Burchell of Sproule Crescent in Jamberoo’s Whyalla Estate has invested in an electronic rain gauge that allows her to keep track accurately while staying inside, given the problems they have had with flooding.

“From 11.30-4.30am, we had 232mm in five hours, including having 80mm in 60 minutes,” she says.

Like others in Sproule Crescent, she has installed extra drainage privately to prevent flooding, while waiting for Council to implement measures from its flood study to stop the water coming in from the back of the estate.

“We’ve all put pits and some of us have put pumps in, and ours didn’t stop pumping out for hours,” she says.

“It cost us all nearly $20k to get new and upgraded drainage, but without it we’d be flooded again.”

Jamberoo Road was impassable earlier this morning, as was South Kiama Drive at the off ramp, and of course Swamp Road is closed. 

Emergency services remind you not to cross through flood waters.