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Bemused Bugle reader

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Local Contributor

31 August 2024, 7:19 AM

Bemused Bugle reader

As a regular but rather bemused Bugle reader I was confused by the page 3 article “Cometh the hour, cometh the man” in the 24August - 6September edition of the Bugle. Whatever the origin of this saying (and it certainly seems to have been said on December 20, 1948, by Cliff Gladnet, an English bowler, when he came in to bat in a test match against South Africa in Durban in 1948) I fail to see how it relates to KMC Mayor, Neil Reilly!

Mr Reilly has been a KMC Councillor since 2008 and Deputy Mayor since 2014, so he seems to have been in a unique position amongst current councillors to have asked questions as KMC lost many millions of dollars of its ratepayers money.

The article lists “personal highlights” from Mr Reilly’s time as Mayor...KMC Ratepayers and Bugle Readers might produce a very different list with a lot of unanswered questions...and where did the “million dollars” that finally alarmed Mr Reilly and referred to in the Bugle article actually go? The article doesn’t say. Neither does Neil Reilly, although he claims to tell the “unvarnished truth”...perhaps just not enough of it?

Far from “cometh the hour, cometh the man” others might say, “good riddance to bad rubbish.”

G Letham