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Biodiversity loss

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Local Contributor

09 January 2024, 2:46 AM

Biodiversity loss

Biodiversity loss is what is risked when pristine natural habitats are destroyed. Right now, the Australian government is currently destroying and continuing the planning of destruction of tens of thousands of square kilometres of land and sea that have been designated wildlife habitat and protected sanctuaries for decades. 

Industrialising the last of our untouched natural environments will not save us from damage created by the industrial revolution. We need to find Earth friendly solutions to our problems. We cannot afford to continue worshipping at the altar of heavy industry and high finance. 

Our biodiversity and wildlife welfare is threatened by plans to cover tens of thousands of square kilometres with massive monster turbine fields and the required steel, concrete and giant electric cabling and substation infrastructure required to facilitate their domination of Australia's last pristine natural areas of land and sea. 

The areas under threat add up to the size of many countries, like at least Switzerland or several dozen others! These activities include an outrageous production of CO2 emissions from manufacturing, operations and use of vessels, air and land transport, all of which depend on fossil fuel power. 

The absurdity of this CO2 production makes a joke of claims these efforts will lead to lower CO2 emissions. The devil is in the details, especially on this topic. Anyone who bothers to look into those details would see a gnarly tangle of special interests and deep pockets leading to ecocide on a grand scale and, ultimately, a widespread biological collapse, as what is left of the natural world is industrialised beyond recognition and the industrialists, who created our current carbon crisis, continue marauding across the face of the Earth.

The government of the day has a costly PR team working hard to paint a picture of the opposition as in deep need of psychiatric treatment and the turbine plans and corporations as benign and beneficial. And they are using our own tax dollars to push this narrative as hard as possible, while moving forward with plans behind the scenes that do not include contributions or representation from the communities and wildlife they are destroying.

At some point, media other than Sky News, is going to have to start looking at what is happening. Those of us in opposition realise opposition to Labor in general will take advantage of the opposition to wind turbines. However, a large contingent of those in opposition are long-time Labor and Greens voters, horrified to learn what their representatives have chosen to do behind their backs. Where is the fair press on this topic? In hiding it seems!

Regards, Jean Walsh