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Blowhole Point Tennis Courts get some love

The Bugle App

Belle Wood

23 September 2023, 7:39 AM

Blowhole Point Tennis Courts get some loveAmanda Culceski from Sports NSW with club members

All the key players were out to celebrate the opening of the refurbished Kiama Blowhole Tennis Courts on Friday 21 September. Champagne was chilling ready for the celebration, smiles were beatific, and the racquets were swinging.  

Judy Murrell Robbie Grant Anne Boulton waiting patiently to open bubbles 

Anna Watson MP Member for Shellharbour cut the ribbon followed by speeches from attending dignitaries including our newly re-elected Mayor Neil Reilly and Gareth Ward MP for Kiama. Anna remembered her grandmother, who was an avid tennis player – the gowns worn in her day were a far cry from the shorter skirts of today.  

Mayor Reilly, Gareth Ward and Anna Watson and Committee member David Graham

Gareth Ward MP for Kiama also congratulated all involved. James Mahoney represented the Harcourts sponsorship of Kiama Tennis club, and committee member David Graham ensured the event flowed smoothly.

RS Overlooking refurbished courts - James from Harcourts with Anna Watson

“This is the oldest tennis club in NSW” Mayor Reilly stated. Lawn tennis arrived in Kiama in 1892 when two courts were made in the excavation left from harbour works on Blowhole Point.

 The Kiama Independent reported in 1892 that “some time back it will be remembered that the Kiama Lawn Tennis Club obtained permission from the Municipal Council to make tennis courts in the large excavation on the Blowhole Point, that situation being to escape the effects of the northeast and southerly winds. 

To give the club a “locus standi” it was agreed that a 'peppercorn rent' of one pound per year be charged for the use of the ground. It turned out however that the Blowhole Point had not been dedicated to the borough at the time the other reserves were so treated. Consequently, the arrangements originally set up were nullified.” The rhetorical question was posed to the mayor if these financial terms could be reinstated.

Serving MPs serving up with Anne Boulton

David Lehman – the current president of the Kiama Board of Directors, organised and was the driving force behind the original $200,000 Federal Grant to improve the facilities. The government recovery funds after flood damage, included a refurbishment of the infrastructure, which includes synthetic grass courts, better drainage, retaining walls and court lighting so the game can continue at night. Although, night tennis often involves hitting bats (of the flying variety) – whether that is the case in Kiama remains to be seen.

The funding came from The Essential Community Sport Assets Program, jointly funded by the Federal and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, as part of the broader Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Package (CLIRP). Amanda Culceski – a formidable player herself, was in attendance to represent Tennis NSW in her new role as Tennis Development Officer.  

 Kiama Tennis Club has an active schedule for both young and old and there are some star players currently coming through the ranks. The events listed below are indicative of the popularity of the sport in the community. David Lehman is also heading up a smaller committee to run the upcoming Seniors tennis tournament – look out for that and become a part of the local tennis story! 


Ladies social from 8am

Evening Ladies interclub comps from 7pm


Mens Social from 7.30am

Ladies Social from 8.30am to 10.30am at Blowhole Centre

Evening Ladies interclub comps from 7pm


Mixed social from 8am

Mens social from 3pm to 7pm

Evening Mens interclub comps from 7pm


Ladies Comp 9.15am to 1pm

Evening Mens interclub comps from 7pm


Mens social from 8am to 11am

Ladies social from 8.30am to 10.30am at Blowhole centre


Junior comps from 8:30am

Social Tennis from 2pm


Mixed social from 2pm