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Blue Haven Bonaira losses

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Local Contributor

02 August 2024, 5:16 AM

Blue Haven Bonaira losses

I'm glad you asked! M$40 that's 40 million of your and my own ratepayer funds Kiama Council staff (they assure us past staff) and Councillors have overseen the loss of during the Blue Haven Bonaira debacle.

Surely, no way, you've got to be kidding, haven't we just sold it for M$95? Read and analyse the 222 page Forsyth Report dated 28 June 2022, adjusted for net settlement proceeds, and tell me I'm wrong (in round numbers, give or take a few million here and there because, who really knows) and remember full settlement does not take place until over two years from now so the pain will not fully go away on the so-called settlement date of 1st November.

Something for you to contemplate when next paying your rates, complaining about something council has not done or will not do - or is that just me - or re-electing councillors who have been in place over the period from conception to completion of build.

Dennis Robertson