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Blue Haven sale still on table

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Cathy Law

23 May 2022, 9:26 AM

Blue Haven sale still on tableResidents protesting in the foyer before the meeting

In an unexpected development, rather than taking the option of selling Blue Haven off the table altogether, tonight’s Extraordinary Meeting of Kiama Council has asked for more reports and information on the various options be given to councillors before a decision to sell is made.

After the meeting, Mayor Neil Reilly said, “The motion changed from a rescission to an amendment, and it is now Council policy.”

Representations were made before the meeting by union members and residents of Blue Haven, as well as by former Mayor Sandra McCarthy.

Mayor Reilly and Councillors Croxford, Brown and Steel voted against the rescission motion, in an attempt to have the original motion stand.

The motion passed looks to engage in community consultation, as well as calling for more background on the need to disposal of community assets, and for an executive summary of the confidential Forensic Accounting Report to be released ahead of its eventual full release subject to further legal advice.

In delegating the authority to the CEO to proceed with working on the sale of Blue Haven, the motion calls for all options (lease, sell, joint venture or retain) to be considered for the councillors to choose from.

The union movement has made its position clear

“I was stunned that a rescission motion to prevent the sale was amended to support the sale, but at a later time and subject to a number of reports,” says Councillor Matt Brown.

“This will delay the inevitable and cost council extra along the way.

“It was surprising Councillor Renkema-Lang accepted an amendment from Councillor Draisma to give the CEO authority to prepare sale documents.”

With time running out to endorse its financial plans before the end of June, the same meeting approved putting a draft budget on exhibition showing a $7.5 million deficit while it continues to look for ways to cut at least another $3 million from that total.

“Some activities listed in the Delivery Program may need to be reconsidered or adjusted to assist in further savings being gained,” said CEO Jane Stroud in her report to the May Extraordinary Meeting.


“Feedback has been sought from Council’s Finance Advisory Committee and our Blue Haven Board to assist in this process and will be taken on board during the exhibition process.”


The report emphasises that Council’s 2021/2 financial statements have not yet been signed off by the NSW Audit office, and further adjustments are likely to be made.


The capital budget is focused on renewal rather than new projects.


Ms Stroud’s report says that Long Term Financial Plan (LTSP), showing scenarios with and without the sale of Blue Haven, is not financially sustainable.

“Council must take urgent and immediate action to correct our current financial trajectory.”

Further posts to follow on this issue.