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Bombo Staircase misses deadline

The Bugle App

Cassandra Zaucer

25 December 2022, 9:51 PM

Bombo Staircase misses deadlineThe project remains in limbo

A world-wide shortage of stainless steel is causing the latest delay on the completion of the long awaited cliff staircase at Bombo Headland.


In November we reported the cliff staircase will be open for Christmas [Bombo Staircase now expected by Christmas] but it is now unknown when the project will be completed.

 First delayed by the COVID lockdown, then continuous wet weather and a hold-up in delivery/supply of the handrail, Council says the Bombo Eco Walk project is having trouble sourcing stainless steel - the last component in completing the handrail.


According to a Council spokesperson, work on the linking paths and landscaping are set to be done after the handrail is in place.


The project, funded by $500,000 from the State Government four years ago, will safely link the Kiama Coast Walk to the spectacular Bombo Headland scenery.