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Bulldozers a better outcome for Bonaira?

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Local Contributor

19 July 2024, 4:31 AM

Bulldozers a better outcome for Bonaira?

Opinion by Allan Holder, Kiama

So, a return to the rate payers of $26 million is lauded by Mayor Reilly as a wonderful outcome for the community {sale of Bonaira}. Well Mayor, did you ever think of it in these terms - obviously your General manager didn't!

The land you have just given away is worth conservatively $50 million - conservatively - nice windfall for Hall and Prior there!

Now if you had have just sent the bulldozers in and demolished everything {including Barroul House}, the demolition costs may be $10 - $15 million, flog the land off for our supposed $50 million, and hey presto, the return to Council would have been at least $35 million - nearly $10 million more than our genius General Manager was able to achieve. As for pursuing the builder, well if that is not shutting the gate after the horse has bolted, I don't know what is?

In the inimitable way of most building companies in this country, if they look like losing, they will probably just go into liquidation to avoid any liability, and emerge rebranded as someone else - and the rate payer will be forced to pay yet more legal bills - what a fabulous prospect we are facing, and well done to all concerned!