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Café quest

The Bugle App

Simonne Brownlow

18 May 2024, 1:00 AM

Café quest

Last month, university students and best mates Fynn Cowen and Riley Nicholl, both  21, embarked on a mission to conquer Kiama's cafe scene by sipping their way through  30 cafés in just as many days. 

What inspired such an ambitious undertaking? "We’ve  always appreciated that Kiama has an abundance of cafes," they shared. "It got us  thinking about how many there actually were and how long it would take to try them all."  

Their venture was not just a pursuit for their next caffeine hit, but also an exploration of  the town's culture and community. 

"This was our chance to experience new places and  meet new people," they added.  

Cowen and Nicholl meticulously evaluated each café based on two crucial criteria. The  flavor of different types of caffeinated beverages and the ambience of the café itself.  

"We focused on two main things: the taste of different coffees and the overall vibe,  including customer service, at different times of the day," the pair explained. 

The friends chose a different style of coffee at each location, making every visit unique. From off-menu delights like the ‘Espresso Tim Tam Shake’ at Moist ‘N’ Glazed, to heartfelt conversations with a DJ at Bouquiniste on their final day. 

Both found that each cafe offered its own memorable experience. Buskers outside Short Black Coffee Kiama raising money for a mental health charity while Burnetts On Barney's (Kiama’s Landscaping Hub) offered not only great coffee but also an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.  

Of course, no quest is without its challenges. Juggling their mission with busy  schedules tested their commitment to the task. 

"As uni students working jobs, preparing for each visit was a bit of a logistical challenge," confessed the duo. Sometimes having to try coffees as early as 6:30am or as late as 9:00 pm. However, they agreed that finding cafés to visit wasn’t the hard part. “They're everywhere in Kiama!”  

Reflecting on their 30-day journey, Cowen and Nicholl agreed that breaking away from the routine of visiting the same four or five spots repeatedly was a delightful change. 

"Every new coffee brought a smile to our faces, and we’ve come to appreciate the local scene even more."  

If you are interested in learning more about the friends' café quest, you can get in touch with them directly at: [email protected].