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Can you help Karen

The Bugle App

Karen Renkema-Lang

23 February 2024, 3:32 AM

Can you help Karen

22 February 2024  


Can you help? 


I am seeking your support to challenge Kiama Municipal Council’s decision to censure me in 21 November 2023 over my radio interview of 21 June 2023. In that interview I gave my honest opinion, in a way which was well researched and measured, about decisions of Council.

While I do feel personally aggrieved about the injustice of the process and the decision of Council, this is not just about one individual's case; it's about defending the fundamental right to free speech, and ensuring due process in the way code of conduct complaints are handled.

Freedom of speech for you and your elected representatives is a fundamental part of a healthy functioning democracy. Particularly when decisions are being made that will impact you and your community for many years to come.

By supporting this legal challenge, you are taking a stand for our collective voice and to ensure a more open and accountable democracy. The freedom to express and debate a range of contested ideas along every step of the journey must be protected.

You and your elected representatives must be able to do this without fear of being ridiculed, ostracised or penalised.

More information is provided on the Chuffed fund-raising campaign page. If you could make a contribution or a pledge to help me challenge the Council, I would be so grateful.

In the unlikely event there will be unspent funds, they will be divided equally between:

  • Illawarra Women’s Health Centre – whose vision is for all women and girls to be respected, safe and healthy and experience full participation and equality in their lives.
  • Reach-Out – who work towards providing better mental health and wellbeing for all young people
  • World Wildlife Fund – Australia – an organisation that works to conserve the Australia’s and the world's biological diversity and the sustainable use of natural resources

Thank you in advance. 

Yours sincerely,

Clr Karen Renkema-Lang

Please note: These contributions do not constitute a political donation and are not tax deductible.

The content of this email solely reflects the independent comments & views of Clr Karen Renkema-Lang and is not a communication or product by or of Kiama Municipal Council.