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Cardiac arrest survivor on a mission for a KIAMA ZAP MAP

The Bugle App

Mark Whalan

31 July 2023, 11:25 AM

Cardiac arrest survivor on a mission for a KIAMA ZAP MAP

After suffering a cardiac arrest in Jamberoo on Thursday evening and being revived with a nearby defibrillator David Toohey is a man on a mission.

David told The Bugle that very few locals know where the defibrillators in the Kiama LGA are, and in fact most are locked inside after business hours.

Only a select few of them are accessible 24 hours and the locations are not well known.

David said he was lucky the one used on him was in a box accessible 24 hours a day.

He still has not connected with the locals who all pitched in with true community spirit to revive him.

David Toohey, President of Kiama Community Radio is on a mission to make sure more defibrillators are available and more locals can access them, and both the defibrillators and signs are in outside locations and know how to operate them in an emergency.

He said he will be meeting with NSW Member for Kiama Gareth Ward later in the week to see what can be done.

David will be talking about his experience on Kiama Community Radio on Tuesday 8AM 1 September.

The Kiama Rotary Club has already donated a defibrillator for the Sebel Harbourside carpark entrance off Shoalhaven Street which was installed in September last year. This was an initiative of Rotary member Graham Tweedie who has been revived twice with defibrillators.

The defibrillator sits in clear view of School Flat park where many markets and events are held locally.

David would like the sign that indicates its a defibrillator location to be more prominent and moved outside so people can find it easily when urgently needed.

Peter from Penny Whistlers Cafe next door said he was not aware himself or for his staff that the defibrillator had even been removed and deployed.

A number of local initiatives are already happening with Chris Beaven speaking to the Jamberoo Valley Ratepayers Association on 1 August on the Heart of the Nation project.

David Arakie of Shoalhaven Superheroes told the Bugle they are donating three defibrillators at the Shoalhaven Community Centre Wednesday 2 August.


The Bugle has a map on the app showing where defibrillators are currently available around Kiama, Gerringong and Jamberoo.

The Bugle will update everyone with further on this story during the week and look forward to adding many more defibrillators to our defibrillators KIAMA ZAP MAP.

24 Hour Defibrillator sites now moved to the Bugle home page for immediate access