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Chelsea Jones takes the crown as First Runner-Up at Miss Multiverse 2024

The Bugle App

Veronica Bardsley

21 October 2024, 3:00 AM

Chelsea Jones takes the crown as First Runner-Up at Miss Multiverse 2024Chelsea Jones wins first runner up in Miss Multiverse

The Miss Multiverse competition took place on Friday, October 18, 2024, at the Sofitel, Sydney Wentworth. Kiamas very own Chelsea Jones, who represented the Wodi Wodi people and Australians alike in the competition, achieved First Runner-Up, earning a crown and $7,000 in prize money. 

“I am feeling so absolutely proud for being able to showcase who I truly am and where I come from.” Chelsea said.

“This experience has been like none other, I want to thank the whole team at Panache International for supporting and guiding me through this journey, without this team this dream would not be possible. 

“Live your truest form of yourself and your dreams will follow, this is only the beginning.”  

If you haven't read our previous article on Chelsea, we encourage you to do so. Her journey is inspiring, and the judges clearly recognised her talent. 

Congratulations Chelsea, we are all so proud of your achievement!