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Cleanaway Garbage Bins - Eyesore

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

11 April 2024, 3:24 AM

Cleanaway Garbage Bins - Eyesore

We are writing re large Cleanaway garbage bins located on southern end of "Bathers", 65 Manning St, Kiama - in a NO STOPPING ZONE - opposite Silica Restaurant.

These bins area a constant eyesore in a prominent tourist part of town - more so when one or other of them is packed to overflowing as is the case at the moment, and has been so since last week. They are situated over a drain where a lot of debris gathers which can't be cleared away by street cleaners. Cleanaway have the responsibility of emptying these bins which service MOIST N GLAZED, a business located in Unit 2/28 Bong Bong St.

We have contacted Council on more than one occasion (and Cleanaway also) wondering whether the bins could be relocated, but have been told they were moved to Manning St because there was nowhere to place them in Bong Bong St near the shop mentioned above. They were previously located on the premises of the Mower and Repair shop which was sold.

The bins are used by the public and visitors alike who stuff anything in them, including soiled nappies and large bags of garbage, even when the red bin in particular is full well past its capacity. The smell emanating from the bins is not pleasant for passersby.

We were wondering if there is any way the Bugle could highlight this situation which perhaps could result in these bins being relocated to another area. We have seen a utility stop by on occasions and drop off rubbish. Presumeably this comes from MNG and therefore the possibility exists for MNG's rubbish to be taken to another nearby location. This could perhaps prevent the bins being exposed to the public in general.

We would be very appreciative of any assistance you could give us in this matter.

Joan and Bill