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Co-working & No Censorship: The future of Kiama Library

The Bugle App

Amy Molloy

17 May 2024, 1:54 AM

Co-working & No Censorship: The future of Kiama Library

A Service Review of the Kiama and Gerringong Library by the State Library of New South Wales has been labelled “generally positive” by Kiama Council, with plans to develop a Library Strategy to support and encourage increased membership and usage of the facilities.

As part of the Strategy, Council will explore revenue opportunities, including the hiring of spaces and ‘mixed uses’ within the library facilities. 

The State Library of NSW encourages all libraries to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the community. In other Councils, strategies have included offering 24 hour access where feasible, introducing co-working spaces and podcast facilities. Currently, it is unknown if this is an option for Kiama. 

During the 2023/24 financial year, Kiama Library Service was one of three Council operations put under review, alongside Kiama Leisure Centre and The Pavilion Kiama. Business plans will be finalised during the 2024-25 financial year to implement, where appropriate, the recommendations of these services reviews.

Kiama Council has also spoken out about the recent censorship of books relating to same-sex parenting by a Western Sydney Council. Earlier this month, Cumberland City Council banned a selection of books relating to same-sex parenting from the library. The motion has since been reversed after public backlash, but discussions are ongoing.

“Kiama Municipal Council has a proud history of supporting free public access to literature and learning for all,” says Chief Executive Officer at Kiama Council, Jane Stroud.

“Council is supportive and proud of its diverse, tolerant and strong community.

That the actions of one Council serve to swiftly bring all others into disrepute does a great disservice to reputation of the whole sector.”