Local Contributor
20 March 2024, 9:37 PM
I don't think a growing community (as in the building of more residences and the according infrastructure) would be anything to worry about.
The problem is: the growth in Kiama is neither a growth of, nor for the community.
Any new development here has been and is creating investment opportunities that supply mainly empty houses or STR, not a growth of housing stock, let alone truly affordable housing. The newest proposal supplies 15% of "affordable" housing.
"Affordable" means rent can only be max. 30% of the median income of that area.
Such regulations look good on paper and do nothing. How is the max rent going to be controlled and who is responsible for such control? (not regulated in the law, hence control is not going to happen) and even if it would happen, the median Kiama income according to census is sky high, so how is 30% of that going to be "affordable" for the "very low income" bracket?
It's a joke...
Annette Pust