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Community benefits through taxation

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Local Contributor

24 March 2024, 10:31 PM

Community benefits through taxation

While profiling what seems to be a number of successful small businesses, John Stapleton, rants about the government "determined to destroy every sign of local character and initiative". "Like thousands of other small businesses the entire sector is facing a government-created crisis."

The reason for this according to Mr Stapleton is tax. It would be useful to inject some facts to tell the true story. Australia is ranked 30th out of 38 OECD countries in tax to GDP ratio. This is before the latest tax cuts.

According to the latest industry statistics the market size of craft beer production grew by 4.9% in 2023. The rapid growth and therefore competition in craft brewing is a major reason why some brewers fail but the industry itself is in a very healthy state with more growth expected.

But let's look at the bigger picture. There is hardly a page in the latest printed edition of the Bugle that doesn't involve some form of government assistance through taxation. Gerringong Surf Life Saving Club, all public and private schools, grant funding, Hindmarsh Park, Seniors Festival, CWA, Mens Shed, Gerringong Museum and the list goes on.

Taxes play an important role in providing community services and in many cases helping small businesses get a start.

Andrew Morgan