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Community spirit, no replacement for professionalism

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07 May 2024, 11:00 PM

Community spirit, no replacement for professionalism

A Kind of Hush - The Magic of Karen Carpenter: Anita’s Theatre Thirroul, April 26.

The enduring magic of The Carpenters’ music is the combination of Karen Carpenter’s beautiful voice, which had an unusual range of three octaves, and the songs that her brother Richard wrote for her. Unusually, a female singer who decides to sing a Carpenters song must set the key by the lowest note, not the highest. 

A Kind of Hush - The Magic of Karen Carpenter was billed as a concert rather than a tribute, and clearly that was necessary because none of the headliners could match the range or quality of Karen Carpenter's voice. 

The show was put together by Katie Noonan, and she was joined on stage by Melinda Schneider, Abby Dobson, newcomer Layla Havana and an ‘all-female’ backing band, which had turned half-male, by this the second last of a 16-show tour. 

Katie Noonan displayed by far the best trained and controlled voice, but the least suited to the Carpenters’ songs, excelling as she does with precision and control in her highest register and bringing with it her own musical style. Melinda Schneider’s songs by contrast were delivered unceremoniously, completely straight and unadorned but she is such an accomplished performer that I was most relaxed when she was centre stage. 

Abby Dobson was having a bad night; at least, I choose to believe that because surely she would not have been included in the line-up had she sang that badly all the time. She did mention that she was exhausted and hungry but as an audience member that’s not what I want to hear, implying that the effort she had invested in earlier audiences was impacting on her current performance. At the start the number of notes she missed was jarring to the ear but she did warm up towards the end, singing an unexpectedly sweet version of “The Rainbow Connection.” 

Ironically, 15-year-old Layla Havana was the only one of the four singers, who hit the mark without fail, with her beautifully clear warm voice. She can only get better as her voice and her confidence matures. 

The banter between the three headliners was full of in-jokes and shared knowledge, which actively excluded the audience while we assume that their intention was to do the opposite, to include us in their private world. It did not help to be told that half the promised ‘all-girl’ band was absent because they got a better offer. At the end, Noonan gave a speech about how important it is to support independent musicians but in context it sounded more like an apology that everything was a bit amateurish. 

The audience was generous; however, and eagerly participated in the curated singalong opportunities (“On top of the World” and “They Long To Be (Close to You)”), which was well suited to the community hall vibe of Anita’s Theatre.

It was an enjoyable evening but in the end the pips that got stuck in my teeth ended up detracting from the sweetness of the fruit.