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Container for Vanuatu

The Bugle App

Perrie Croshaw

10 April 2023, 10:12 PM

Container for VanuatuVanuatu neighbourhood ruined by cyclone (photo: Ben Bohane)

The Kiama community is so good at stepping up for people in need, as witnessed by the great job Kerry from Kerry’s Klothes did collecting clothes and bedding for the Lismore community after last year’s floods.


This time, help is required a bit further afield – in Vanuatu.

The recent Category 4 and 5 cyclones and earthquakes have left the nation devastated, leaving many without homes, food, clothing and basic necessities.

This is the way the ABC reported the disaster at the time.


The Shellharbour Community Church is sending a 40ft shipping container full of building supplies and things necessary to help with the process of restoring and rebuilding the island nation. Find out more here.


They are requesting donations of the following items (if secondhand, please ensure they are all in good working order):

• Aluminium roofing

• good quality clothing

• building materials such as chainsaws, carpentry tools, tarpaulins and generators

• tents, plastic chairs and solar lighting

• non-perishable canned food, seeds to grow, water filters, kitchenware, pots, pans, utensils, can openers.

Donations can be dropped off at Manna Bookstore, Shellharbour Community Church, 500 Shellharbour Rd, 9.30am-3.30pm Tuesday to Friday or Sundays during service time.


The Church is also calling for financial donations and direct deposits can be made to:

Account name: Global Care Shellharbour

BSB: 704 024

Acct no: 100 00 469

Description: Vanuatu (your name)

Some donations will be tax deductible. To check visit or call 0491 056 640.