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Council approves Blue Haven Bonaira reclassification

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Tracey Henderson

22 June 2023, 4:58 AM

Council approves Blue Haven Bonaira reclassification

Kiama Council has approved its planning proposal to reclassify the Blue Haven Bonaira land from 'community' to 'operational'.


In introducing the proposal, Mayor Neil Reilly acknowledged the significance of this matter, saying it was probably “the biggest thing we will ever have done in this Council.” However, he affirmed the Council's authority and responsibility to amend the classification correctly.

Mayor Reilly summarised the issues necessitating reclassification:

  • After the acquisition, Council did not classify the land, which was an oversight, not a decision. That it was an oversight was confirmed in a letter from the Regional Director of the Department of Planning, further corroborated by the lack of preparation of a plan of management for the land.
  • On the land are residential living and aged care facilities. People have homes and gardens on the property, and vulnerable community members are cared for. In addition, other related businesses are operating on site. It is a commercial enterprise with contracts and licences in place. It's not appropriate for it to be classified as 'community', nor is it appropriate that it has unrestricted public access.
  • It is Council's policy to sell the land. To proceed with the sale, the land needs to be reclassified as 'operational'

In response to community concerns, to preserve the cultural heritage associated with Barroul House, Councillor Kathy Rice proposed an amendment, suggesting that the Council subdivide the land, excising the area occupied by Barroul House. Clr Rice suggested that finalising the reclassification after the proposed subdivision would improve community acceptance.


Clr Rice's proposal was supported by Councillors Keast and Renkema-Lang, but ultimately overruled.

Mayor Reilly assured the community that the current heritage listing of Barroul House would be protected regardless of the property sale. He pointed out that other heritage-

listed buildings in Kiama remain protected in a commercial environment.

Councillors Croxford, Draisma, Larkins, Reilly, Brown and Steel supported the proposal to reclassify the land at Blue Haven Bonaira. Councillors Keast, Renkema-Lang and Rice voted against the motion.


Individual concerns raised by the community during the public forum and in submissions are addressed in the Council papers, which The Bugle will report separately.