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COVID fragments at Gerroa Sewerage Plant

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

12 September 2021, 4:21 AM

COVID fragments at Gerroa Sewerage Plant

Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) has advised that fragments of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been detected at Gerroa sewage treatment plant. This plant serves both Gerroa, Gerringong and the hinterland.

At the same time, it reported another COVID case in Kiama, the second in two days.

A spokesperson for ISLHD said, "The Local Health District continues to urge people not just to comply with the Public Health Orders, but to make practical and sensible decisions that will limit your risk of acquiring COVID-19 and keep our loved ones and the broader community safe at this critical time.

"The stay at home restrictions in place are designed to limit interaction between people from different households and reduce mobility to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in the community.

"Get tested immediately if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath, and isolate until you receive a negative result. Even people with mild symptoms, such as fatigue, new muscle aches or pains, a change in taste or smell or a new runny nose, should arrange testing as quickly as possible."

53 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the ISLHD area in the 24 hour period. Of those, more than 60 per cent are aged under 40 years.