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Developer or Community Driven Planning

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Local Contributor

31 March 2024, 9:32 AM

Developer or Community Driven PlanningSpringside Hill Location Map

To The Editor

Developer or community driven planning

The Springside Hill land development proposal is the same location as an earlier ‘West Kiama’ proposal in the 1990s which was rejected time by Kiama Council largely because of the land’s high agricultural values and the visual impacts of the development.

Regardless of views on the matter we need to ensure that if this proposal is considered by Council it is deferred for consideration to when the next Local Environment Plan (LEP) is undertaken to ensure proper planning and consultation processes are followed.

Our LEP is the primary planning document that outlines our community’s planning priorities and vision for the future. It needs to be undertaken in a holistic manner in consultation with the community. We don’t want to see planning where developers drive the process and Council role is simply responsive.  


The current LEP 2011 was the outcome of a comprehensive consultation process where various community representatives contributed to a planning vision for Kiama and residents have owned and fiercely defended that LEP ever since.

Of course, it’s important to note that if this land is rezoned the current proposal by the developer may not necessarily be the outcome. Once the land is rezoned the land can be sold and a completely different planning proposal submitted. 


Howard H Jones

Secretary Gerroa Environmental Protection Society