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Dogs allowed at markets while discussions are held

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Cathy Law

09 February 2022, 12:54 AM

Dogs allowed at markets while discussions are heldSpot the dog

Dog owners wondering whether they can take their dogs to the Kiama Farmers' Market this afternoon, for its 8th anniversary, have been reassured they will be welcome if they continue to take a common sense approach.

The continuation of the practice has been called into doubt with an edict from Council, banning dogs from the market areas, that has since led to commitment to reassess the policy.

Mayor Neil Reilly and CEO Jane Stroud are meeting with market coordinators soon to discuss the issue.

In the meantime, Ms Stroud says, “Dogs and their owners are welcome in Kiama and have always been a valued part of our community.

"I think the majority of people know that being a responsible pet owner involves having your dog under control at all times. Most people are fantastic at doing this and I thank them sincerely.

"Keeping dogs on a leashes in busy areas, picking up after pets, and avoiding being too close to food preparation / service areas is also really helpful and always appreciated.

“Animal management legislation is the same across NSW and our Rangers will continue to do their jobs with diligence, empathy, common sense and with conduct befitting of public servants, as we all must, when you work for Kiama Municipal Council. I’m proud of the good work all of our staff do, many of them in customer-focused and sometimes difficult roles.”

She is hoping the talks will lead at a sensible and pracitical management solution for all parties.

"Ideally it will be one which empowers the Market Coordinators to manage their leased spaces with clarity and safety for all who attend."