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Fillmores: Council says no threat to Festival

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Cathy Law

01 March 2023, 9:09 PM

Fillmores: Council says no threat to FestivalBurnetts on Barney was a popular Festival hub last year

Council's CEO Jane Stroud and Director Enironmental Services, Jessica Rippon, are to meet with Morgan Lewis on Friday to try and find a solution to closing down the music at Fillmores [Fillmores closed by Council: fears for Jazz & Blues fest].

In a statement, Council reasurred those with concerns about other venues of the Kiama Jazz & Blues Festival, saying, "Local planning regulations allow live music at cafes, bars, clubs and other businesses for special events such as the Festival."

The statement also said, "Fillmores is a valued and different space in our community, and we know many in our community love it.

"However, Council does have legislative compliance obligations that is does have to meet, and sometimes this makes us the unfortunate meat in the sandwich.

"This doesn’t mean we don’t support the arts or our community to get out and enjoy the festival!

"Quite the opposite.

"In truth, we can’t wait for the festival and will continue to work on finding a solution for Fillmores."

Morgan Lewis at the Cafe. Fillmores was to host seven events at the Festival.

This year's Festival has received $20,000 in support from Council, plus $18,000 from a Reconnecting NSW grant to create a new hub for the Sunday of the Festival at the bottom end of Terralong St.

"After many of months of hard work and planning, be assured the Festival has our full and continued support," said the statement, noting that Fillmores issue was separate to the Festival.

It explained the venue, "is experiencing some challenges with compliance orders that were issued due to noise complaints and the very restrictive conditions of their current complying development certificate (CDC), which was issued by private certifier.

"For many months Council staff have been working hard with the owner and stakeholders to try and find solutions and overcomes any hurdles in their way.

"It’s not been an easy process, and as always, our advice has been to prepare and lodge a development application."

Morgan Lewis of Fillmores and his sister Becky Guggisberg are the organisers of the Festival, being held 10-12 March.

Check out the program here.