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Find out more about dementia

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Cathy Law

06 September 2022, 2:27 AM

Find out more about dementia

Ahead of Dementia Action Week, 19-25 September, the Kiama DAGs (Dementia Advisory Group) are involved in organising the 10th Annual Public Forum on Dementia, as part of their taking a more regional focus.

“Our core group continues to meet weekly on zoom, but we have been trying to get more involved with the Illawarra Dementia Forum to work in a more effective way, given all of the services are provided withing the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Local Health District,” says DAG member, Lynda Henderson.

The local group, a key element of the internationally recognised Dementia Friendly Kiama project, is currently without a support officer as Council seeks funding for the role.

“There is so much other uncertainty at the moment, all tied up with the aged care reforms,” says Lynda.

“I think it is good to focus on supporting the Illawarra Forum as it has had a huge influence over the years.

“This public forum will be really good for people looking for the latest information on dementia, either because they have been diagnosed or they are the partner, family, friend or neighbour of someone who has been diagnosed.

“There are some fantastic speakers coming along, and a number of organisations will have information stands, so it will really help people understand what services and information is out there, and to know they aren’t alone.”

The program at the free forum will include speakers from Dementia Australia, the Older Persons Advocacy Network, the Council on the Aging, the University of Wollongong and Dennis Frost, a person living with dementia from the DAGs. The extraordinary Val Fells OAM, now 93, who has been organising the Forums for 10 years as part of her advocacy work will also be speaking.

“We are all looking forward to being in the same room after the trials of COVID,” says Lynda.

The theme of this year’s Dementia Action Week is ‘A little support makes a big difference’. Find out more at  

Wednesday 14 September, Fraternity Club, Fairy Meadow, 10-3pm

Register here at or call 0417 468 977 or 4229 5926

NOTE: the forum is free. Donations towards the cost of refreshments are welcome.