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Fundraiser for Grant Wilson

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

16 September 2021, 10:44 PM

Fundraiser for Grant WilsonGrant Wilson, his wife, Kate and their three children, Zoe, Izzy and Jake

In mid-August, Kiama Down’s Grant Wilson was airlifted to Royal North Shore after a freak accident at the new Bike Skills Park at Minnamurra. He sustained a C4 incomplete spinal injury, leaving him a quadriplegic.

“After surgery and a week recovering in ICU, he is currently rehabilitating in a spinal unit at the Prince of Wales,” says close family friend Olivia Kent, who is also a member of his congregation at Kiama Baptist Church, where Grant is a pastor.

“COVID has only made this difficult time even more painful for his family, as due to restrictions they are likely unable to see him as he rehabilitates for the next few months.

“The future is unknown for Grant, but what his family does know is that his determination will see him home ASAP.

“Along with elation and relief, this will also bring challenges – both mental and physical.

“One of the biggest of these challenges will be autonomy, mobility and accessibility.”

With this in mind, and wanting to help in a practical way, a GoFundMe page has been set up to raise money for a new car, as the Wilsons have been told theirs is too old to modify.

“We are preparing for this in advance so they don’t have to worry about the costs that will be involved,” says Olivia.

“As we all understand, this will be critical for his independence, freedom and mental wellbeing along with access to work and autonomy.”

As a pastor at Kiama Baptist Church, Grant has become well known through the many outreach programs he has been involved with to serve his community and foster a sense of ‘together-ness’.

Last year during lockdown, this included putting together community care initiatives to organise dozens of food hampers to be delivered to families in and around Kiama, for people who were were out of work.

He also helps run multiple youth/kids programs within the community.

“He possesses kindness, generosity, humour, friendliness, determination and a loving nature,” says Olivia of her friend.

People wishing to donate should go to