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Gerringong Golf Club scores $50,000 grant for new facilities

The Bugle App

Brendon Foye

01 February 2024, 12:24 AM

Gerringong Golf Club scores $50,000 grant for new facilities

Gerringong Golf Club will receive $50,000 in funding to build a new fuel storage and cart washing bay thanks to a grant secured by NSW Member for Kiama Gareth Ward.

The funding stems from the NSW Government’s Local Small Commitment Allocation (LSCA) Program, which offers grants of up to $400,000 for small, local projects.

Gerringong Golf Club President Geoff Manning told The Bugle that the new facility forms part of a wider extension for the clubhouse, which has already had its development application approved.

This is a much more environmentally friendly solution and will provide better safety for everybody associated with the club including the suppliers and the general public  because it will be a state-of-the-art cart wash bay facility for safety and the environment which we are extremely pleased about,” Geoff said. 

“We are also very grateful and appreciate Gareth Ward’s strong support as our local  Member of Parliament for many years now and Mr Ward’s ongoing support of  

Gerringong Golf Club.”

Gareth Ward added: “One of the things I love most about being a local MP is fighting hard for grants for local sporting clubs. Gerringong Golf Club is a great asset to our local community  

which attracts many locals and visitors to our region from right across our State.”

“Like many of our local sporting clubs in the Kiama electorate, Gerringong Golf Club is supported by an outstanding team of volunteers and this grant is a terrific boost to  their wonderful efforts to improve the course.”