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Gerringong Lions Club champions local causes and community events

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19 September 2024, 10:00 PM

Gerringong Lions Club champions local causes and community events Brodie, pharmacist at Gerringong Pharmacy drawing the winning tickets in the Father's Day raffle

Fathers’ Day Raffle

The Lions’ Fathers’ Day raffle came and went. The four winning tickets were all held by locals.

Ray Worboys won first prize of a set of TVS Ear Buds valued at $680 from Sound Solutions in Kiama.

Second prize of a Makita Recipro saw and a Makita hammer drill donated by Gerringong Hardware and a Stoic Brewery voucher, was won by Ross Wraight.

Ross Wraight receiving his second prize in the Fathers Day Raffle from Lions President Steve Pottie

Third prize of a hand made, single bed throw quilt, donated by Janice Mark and a voucher from Stoic Brewery, was won by Marion Hinkley.

Fourth prize went to Clare Arnie, a $100 voucher from the Seahorse Oceanview Bistro at the Gerroa Fisherman’s Club, a $50 voucher from Bambinos in Gerringong and a Stoic Brewery voucher.

Over $2000 was raised by ticket sales and The Lions Club boosted it to $3000. These proceeds went to SALT at Nowra, a charity for assisted housing for the homeless, the socially disadvantaged and young people at risk.

SAHSSI (Supported Accommodation and Homeless Services Shoalhaven and Illawarra)

Lions have formed a small committee to support SAHSSI. Collection points are being set up for donated items of need for the Women’s Refuge group in Nowra. You may have noticed a trolley at Khan’s IGA at Gerringong, near the checkouts, where items could be donated.

This will be an ongoing project with items donated, being regularly collected and every 2 – 3 months delivered to the Nowra refuge. Prior to these deliveries, SAHSSI will be contacted to ascertain if they have urgent items of need and The Lions Club will endeavour to purchase a reasonable supply of these items.

Items for donation include, women’s clothes and shoes (new or used condition), new underwear, socks, feminine hygiene products, toiletries, children’s books and non perishable food and grocery items.

Upcoming Events

It’s back!! The Gerringong Xmas Street Parade. Lions have committed to resurrecting the once famous event. Hopefully it will not have the notoriety it achieved, when Lions were previously involved with it, when a parachuting Santa missed the School Park and was taken by the famous Werri Nor/Easter to smash through the rear window of the car that was first prize in that year’s Xmas Raffle!

So mark down Saturday 21st December in your calendar and suss out a good viewing point in Fern St - you never know who you are likely to see in this year’s parade.

Planning has also commenced for next year’s MotorFest / Car Show at Cronin Oval on Saturday 15th February. Invitations have been sent out to numerous car clubs and

Lions are anticipating about 400 cars of all makes and vintages to come along.

Lions President Steve Pottie presenting a cheque for $1000 to Harper Payne to assist with her Rugby Tour to Japan.

Junior Sport Assistance

Lions have committed to help fund two young Rugby players, Harper Payne and Charlotte Gamero, who have been selected in The Australian Raptors 14 yrs Female Rugby Union Tour of Japan.