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Gotcha! - By Jenny England

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Local Contributor

12 January 2024, 11:42 PM

Gotcha! - By Jenny England

I took the photograph from my handbag and sat it on my lap as I waited patiently for my turn at the psychic reading. While the others around the table were listening intently to the first reading by Sapphire, the resident psychic, I scanned their faces: a habit I had acquired since I began working with the police. After years of investigation it was now time to wrap up the cold case I had been recently assigned. I already had a plethora of evidence however there was one more step I needed to take in order to secure a definitive conviction. The suspect had to give themselves away. Most of my uniformed colleagues found my methods rather unusual; however I was building up a long list of satisfactory arrests and convictions that many envied. 

The historic Grand Hotel was the perfect setting for a psychic reading session and it wasn’t the first one I had organised there during the course of an investigation.

“Who’s next,” Sapphire announced after abruptly finishing her first reading.

I quickly handed her the photograph before anyone else could respond. She ran her hand across the face and held it up for all to see. Then she began:

“Ah, a sweet girl with a lot to say from the grave. I see a grisly death. Near water. It seems she wants the truth of it to come out so she can pass over.”

I scanned the faces of my suspects sitting unknowingly next to my invitee plants. I was particularly interested in anything revealing from my main suspect Tom Hughes. However, nothing. Yet. I waited patiently.

Sapphire looked at the back of the photograph, shut her eyes and continued:

“Her name is Sophie.” Addressing the photograph directly she followed with: “Sophie, can you hear me? What do you want us to know? Can you tell us who did it? Who took your life-force away?”

With these few words my main suspect Tom Hughes started wriggling in his seat and loosening his collar. His face was beginning to redden. Under the table I could sense his foot tapping on the floor. All signs of rising anxiety. He was also eyeing the exit door.

Gotcha! I thought.

So, before he had time to make a dash for it, I surreptitiously sent the message with the initials TH to my team. Then, as they stormed into the lounge to arrest him, Sapphire winked at me. She had played her part well . . . once again. I'll definitely use her next time, I thought. It always amazed me how easy it was to lure suspects to a psychic reading session with free tickets they thought they had won. I smiled as they took him away in handcuffs.

On the way back to my car I stopped when I heard some of my favorite music coming from the Festival at the Showground in full swing. I smiled and did a little jig.  I've still got it, I mused. The rhythm that is!