11 November 2024, 2:41 AM
Strong and thriving communities need effective local government. No other level of government is as close to the issues and people.
The Councillor Conduct Framework (Framework) is under review with the aim to facilitate and support local decision making.
Effective local government comes when councillors are visibly in control of their councils. How councillors act and how appropriately and transparently decisions are made at meetings is critical in demonstrating to the community that their elected representatives understand the consequences of their decisions, and then make the best possible decisions they can for their community as a whole.
It is intended that the revised Framework will be based on the following principles of change:
Council leadership and decision making is paramount
Freedom of speech is fundamental
Transparency and accountability are maintained
Issues are dealt with at the most immediate or local level
A strong and proportionate local government regulator
Justice is timely and proportionate
Significant penalties should only be imposed by a judicial or quasi-judicial body
OLG has prepared a Discussion Paper to seek the views of the community, key stakeholders and the local government sector about the proposed changes.
Read the discussion paper here.
Submissions will be accepted until COB Friday 15 November 2024.