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Heatwave by Jenny England

The Bugle App

Jenny England

11 January 2025, 8:00 PM

Heatwave by Jenny England

It felt as if the soles of my bare feet were on fire with every step I took along the sandy path to the beach. I mistakenly thought that my sandals were in my car when I made the snap decision to escape the stifling heat of the flora deprived, over-developed suburbs and head to the sea. With the kids away helping my mum for a few days, it was one of the rare occasions I had a few hours to myself. A choir of cicadas filled the dry, dusry, hot air with their distinct shrilling unremitting tunes. It was only early December but we were in the middle of a heat wave, something we had not experienced for many years. We had become so used to torrential rain, intermittent storms, and devastating floods, we were not prepared for it.

When I reached the waters edge I dipped my sore feet into the cool, refreshing water gently lapping in time with a cosmic song that only the sea could hear. I found a sheltered, quiet spot away from the crowd to sit and rest. The trip to the beach took just over an hour but most of it was in stop, start traffic with so many detours and most of the traffic lights out. I put my bag down, laid out my beach towel and settled down to wait.



Relax. He’ll be here soon, I said to myself. 

To pass the time I buried my toes in the warm sand and listened to cheerful squeals coming from a group of young children building sandcastles nearby. They didn’t appear have a care in the world unlike their parents at the moment I assumed. The northern end of the long popular beach where I had settled, a short stroll to the rock pool, was crowded with families. As most schools and many workplaces were closed due to the heat it was an obvious place to cool down.


“Been waiting long?” a familiar voice greeted me from behind.


“I got here about 15 minutes ago,” I replied turning and smiling as he knelt down beside me on the sand. He leaned across to brushed my cheek with an affectionate kiss.

“I am glad you got my message.”

“Yes, so am I. it came through just before we had to shut the computers down and close the office for the day. I picked up a couple of cool drinks on my way here,” he said taking one out of his bag and handing it me. “I was also able to pick up some ready-made salads for our dinner in case the power stays off tonight. Oh, and I brought your sandals. You must have left in my car the other day.”

“What a thoughtful husband,” I said giving him a cheeky grin. ”You were extremely lucky to find a supermarket open. And I really need those sandals today.”


“Yep. I thought so. Ready for a swim?” he said and handed me the sandals. 

“I so am,” I replied. I took the sandals and packed them into my bag.

I quickly slipped off my blouse and skirt and also tucked them into my bag. Now stripped down to my swimsuit, I thought how I had never liked revealing my body to the world but I always felt comfortable with him, more comfortable than with anyone else. Ever. I handed him his swim shorts and towel and watched as he stripped with the towel wrapped around him and changed. 

It was his gentle strength that always attracted me. He hadn’t changed. Well, yes, he did have less hair and had put on a few kilos over the years and his eyes weren’t as bright as we were in his youth. But he was still the same quiet confident person I had fallen in love with when were teenagers. I wondered if he thought I had changed. The years had definitely turned a free-spirited adventurous young girl into a round contented middle aged woman. He didn’t seem to mind but I never enquired.

I glanced over at the pool. “Pool or surf?” I asked. “The pool’s pretty crowded but the surf is small and the local patrol are keeping an eye out for rips or anyone in danger,” I added.

“Surf it is then.” 

He took my hand and we walked silently to the waters edge. Glancing out to sea I spotted a few clouds in the far distance but I doubted they would come to anything. Tiny ripples of light glimmered on the surface of the smooth water past the break. 


“You first,” I challenged.    

“We’ll go together,” he replied taking me by the hand and propelling us both forward into the waves. 

We swam together, diving through the waves heading out beyond the break. As we settled to tread water, I felt his leg brush up against mine. A sudden spark of electricity ran through my body. We might have been a middle-aged married couple with three children and the stresses of a mortgage and rising cost of living but the chemistry was still there. With so many of our friends divorced or in the process of separating it continually amazed me how hot our relationship still was…and we could call each other best friends too.

We flipped onto our backs and floated for a while enjoying the sun on our faces. We must look like a couple of beached whales, I thought. Still, that thought didn’t bother me. I was surrounded by glorious water with the man I loved and that was all that mattered. There’s something rather magical about the ocean, I often thought A place to find solace when things get tough. Our human connection to the sea seems to run very deep. Perhaps it is because we originally evolved from primitive life forms in oceans about three and a half billion years ago. 


“Race you back” he said, interrupting my thoughts


“Ok, but you need to give me a head start”

“No way!”

Leaping into the challenge we both swam back through the breaking waves. Within minutes we were back on the shore.

“I’d call that a tie,” I said lifting myself up and heading towards the sand. We both laughed in agreement.

As we walked back up the beach he wrapped his arm around me giving me that sudden electric spark again. When we reached our belongings he picked up my towel and tenderly patted me dry. I trembled with his gentle touch

“Sometimes when we are together I like to imagine that we are alone on a desert island, just the two of us without a single care in the world. I also often wonder what our lives might be like if we had never met.”

“What ifs’ like that are pointless,” the practical me interrupted. “If there is anything I have learned from life it is that there is only now. However, the years we have been together have been wonderful. And if we were to escape to a desert island we’d have to take the kids. Or we’d really miss them.”

“I guess. But we had much more fun when we were young. Remember those camping trips we used to take in school holidays? What about that Easter when it rained the whole time and we were soaked to the skin and completely washed out? But of course none of that mattered. Everything we did back then was an adventure. It just seems like yesterday.”

“It’s a shame it has taken such a catastrophe for us to spend a little time together.” I commented, “We really need to find the more times like these when everything gets back to normal. If it ever does.”

“Have you heard from anyone at work?” he said changing the subject.’

“Not really. Things have just been too crazy,” I replied.

It was rather fortuitous that I had just begun my annual leave a few days before the heart wave set in. December was usually the ideal time for me to take a break with the school holidays soon to begin and Christmas looming. It also meant that I didn’t have to go back to work until the New Year with the public holidays added in. With all the issues now caused by the heat wave, I wasn’t feeling very confident that my job would even be there when I was expected to go back. This was probably truefor many. At least I had my holiday pay to tie me over.

“Well, I guess we better get going. Travelling on the roads today is a bit like trying to find your way through a war zone. Not that I’ve ever had to do that, or intend to.”     


We walked hand in hand in comfortable silence back down the sandy path to the car park. I noticed the shrubs along the sides. They looked tired. Many of the once blooming native plants were already withered and dying and it was only early summer. So much collateral damage from the heat.

When we reached his car I had an idea. I had earlier checked my mobile phone to see if there was any reception in the car park. There wasn’t. So now I suggested we try his car radio. We sat in the car and he turned it on. It crackled for a short time but after a bit of fine tuning we eventually connected to a local news channel. I was desperate for any news updates. 

The news we heard wasn’t good, not that any news these days was good. None of it surprised me. Bushfires were still raging, some out of control all around the country. Comuniations had almost come to a halt and power outages were affecting residential areas and in major cities. Only those off the grid with their own solar power and batteries were being spared. Hospitals were being inundated with people, mainly the elderly and young with heat related health issues. It was chaos. 

I switched on my phone and discovered I did have some reception now. I found a local weather forecast and read it out aloud as he changed back into his work clothes. “The Sydney Weather Report for Wednesday 20th October 2025. It will be an extremely hot, dry day with temperatures ranging from 35 degrees to 40 degrees during the day, dropping to 30 degrees overnight. Only light winds are expected near the coast. Precipitation will be extremely low with a 2% chance of rain. Bush fire warnings are in place for all suburbs adjacent to National Parks. The Heat Wave Emergency hotlines are open 24 hours through 000.

We sat for a minute to contemplate what that meant for the coming day.

“Will the kids be home later?” he ased

“No,” I said, “ they’re sleeping over at mums tonight. She hasn’t been coping well in this heat without any air conditioning and they were more than happy to help her and keep her company for a few days.”

“So that means it’s just the two of us tonight?” he said with a cheeky grin

“Yep,” I replied knowing exactly what that cheeky grin meant.

“See you at home then,” he said and leant over and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

I turned towards my car, parked a little way off, but stopped for a few minutes to gaze back at the awe-inspiring, expansive blue ocean stretching out to the horizon. We live on such a beautiful planet. How have we let such a devastating environmental catastrophe build up despite having the combined wisdom of so many cultures and the extraordinary scientific and technological advances that have been achieved in the last hundred years? 

When I reached my car I quickly slipped my skirt and blouse back on and threw my towel and bag onto the back seat. 

It was time to head home.