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New management structure for Blue Haven

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

04 August 2021, 11:41 PM

New management structure for Blue Haven

Within a few months, Kiama Council’s aged care operations will be operating under a new management and governance structure, with the creation of the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the establishment of a s355 committee.

“I see the creation of the 355 committee and the new COO role as being key steps in Kiama Council’s approach to providing good leadership, professional acumen and focused attention on this important part of our business,” says Council’s CEO, Jane Stroud.

“We are one of local government’s largest providers of aged care services and I’m committed to running this side of our business really well.”

Mayor Mark Honey says, “By taking great care of our Blue Haven residents, I’m keen to see our proud tradition of aged care services honoured, and give the service the bold future it needs in the face of industry reform, changing commercial realities and increased compliance requirements.”

The Committee has been in the pipeline since the Royal Commission into Aged Care recommended that governing bodies must have a majority of independent non-executive members, and that those members must have appropriate experience in governance and care provision.

Under the Local Government Act, councils are able to delegate aspects of their management functions, to do with managing facilities and supporting strategic vision, to a s355 committee. 

The committee will be known as the Blue Haven Advisory Board.

A specialist recruitment firm began advertising for the new COO role this week, with an expected nine week timeframe.

Until now, the management of Blue Haven has been undertaken by a Council Director, who has at times had other community responsibilities.

The decision by Ms Stroud to create a new position is the first step in a long overdue review of Council’s organisational structure, which is now even more timely given the number of staff in acting roles. 

Council's CEO Jane Stroud at Blue Haven Bonaira

“Council was very keen for me to have a look at the status of this role and to figure out a direction forward,” she says.

“I have had a good look at the size and scale of the business and I wanted to treat that senior staff role quite distinct from the other local government focused directors.

“This is a specialised service so the COO role and the title reflect exactly that.

“I want this role focused on the business of aged care.

“They will be responsible for everyday operations and will report through me back up to the Board. Then the two of us will head to Council and report on the activities of the Board and the business.”

Blue Haven Bonaira under construction

The July Council Meeting endorsed the new position as a Senior Staff role, a status which has a minimum remuneration package of $192,600, bringing it in line with other Director roles.

The new structure will see information about Blue Haven return to the public record, something that has not happened since the introduction of the current board arrangement.

The hunt is also about to begin for people to join the Advisory Board, with a company called Board Direction being engaged to develop a long list of applicants.

“I really felt it was important that the new COO has a new committee at the exact same time, so that they can all establish relationships and a style of work ethic,” says Ms Stroud.

“What we are looking for is people who are experts in aged-care services and who have really good commercial insight into the business and also really good care insight.

“I’m hoping that they are skilled, talented professionals with a real heart and genuine interest for what we do.”

She encourages suitably qualified locals to apply, although local representation is assured with two councillors on the Board.

A therapy horse bringing joy to Blue Haven residents earlier in the year

As an update, Blue Haven Aged Care Facility now has 125 residents (out of a possible 134) and a total of 715 home care clients.

Of the 57 independent living units at Blue Haven Bonaira, 55 have now been sold.

On the vaccination front, the Acting Director Blue Haven, Dale Wakefield, reports that 85 per cent of residents are now fully vaccinated.

“This is everyone who wants to be vaccinated, as 15 per cent have chosen not to, some for health-related reasons,” he says.

“Out of the staff, we are at about 65 per cent and we have ordered our own Pfizer vaccine so we can do three onsite clinics in the next couple of weeks to get our staff up to full compliance.”

All but two of Blue Haven Bonaira's 57 independing living units have been sold

Of the overall oranisational restructure of Council she is tasked with, Ms Stroud says, “I am very keen for the organisation to have stability and to be as cost effective and sustainable as possible.

“I need to make sure that every decision we make is lined up with that.”