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Wish list for election funding promises

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Cathy Law

01 March 2022, 4:30 AM

Wish list for election funding promises

Kiama councillors have unanimously agreed to a wish list of projects to advocate for with sitting Federal and State Members and candidates in the forthcoming elections.


“When we are talking to them we can say this is what we’d like help with,” says Mayor Neil Reilly.

“It is very much a conceptual list, with much detail to be ironed out in consultation with the community. But it is better to have one than not to have one.


“I have already been asked what we need help with by two potential members.”


Some of the projects, such as extension of Kiama Coast Walk to Gerroa, have already been before Council but others are completely new ideas, such as preparing the old Blue Haven nursing home at Havilah Place for redevelopment.

Peter Stuckey and Howard Jones have been advocating for the extension of the Kiama Coast Walk since Stage 1 opened in 2009


The diverse range of projects, in no particular order, include:

  • establish an art gallery at old Council Chambers
  • upgrade of change rooms and facilities at the sports ground behind the Leisure Centre
  • upgrade and redevelop the Leisure Centre, including re-spring courts and improve lighting
  • upgrade to youth and community hall at Jamberoo for signage etc, and a permanent pump track at Jamberoo
  • Gerringong Surf Club rebuild and Werri Beach Holiday Park reconfigure
  • seed funding for an innovation hub focused on agribusiness
  • better east to west road linkages, which are prone to failure and closure following heavy rain events
  • completion of the second stage of the Kiama Coast Walk to Gerroa, alongside exploration of options to connect through to Shoalhaven, thereby creating a great walks experience for the region
  • redevelopment of the old Havilah Place building, incorporating affordable and mixed use housing
  • Gerry Emery Oval women’s change room and extension to club house
  • funding to assist with delivering the concept and masterplan for the South Werri Beach project, ‘Connecting Our Community’
  • additional biking infrastructure to support healthy and active living
  • bridge over Spring Creek at Dido Street
  • electric vehicle charging stations for Kiama, Jamberoo and Gerringong.

“Some things are almost shovel ready, so they will be easier and quicker to do,” says Mayor Reilly, who explains the list was developed in a collaborative process with other councillors.


The idea of an innovation hub for agribusiness is one of the ideas that is only just being mooted, following feedback during the Community Strategic Plan workshops.


“Council wants to encourage the continuation of farming in our area, and one way is to support them innovating and transitioning their businesses,” he says.