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Issues concerning voters

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Jack Wallner

01 December 2021, 3:46 AM

Issues concerning voters

Since Monday 22 November, rain or shine, candidates and their supporters have been at the pre-polling booth in Hindmarsh Park campaigning for early votes in next Saturday’s Council election.

The Bugle caught up with candidates to ask what issues are being raised by the community.

Planning and development, affordable housing, and parking have been the standout issues, followed by Council accountability.

“A lot of people are saying, let’s be measured about planning and opening up our green spaces for new planning proposals and housing,” says Karen Renkema-Lang, candidate for S.A.F.E Kiama.

“We need much more than just open slather for development proposals, we need some measured development controls to ensure we provide our hospitality and tourism workers with affordable housing but also our youth and young families.”

Councillor Kathy Rice of the Kiama Greens has also spoken to people about these issues.

“Affordability of housing is one that’s come up a lot as well as housing in general,” she says.

“I’ve referred a lot of people to fill in the survey that is currently on Council’s website, the housing strategy survey, which is a good opportunity to participate.”

Candidates Stuart Larkins, Karen Renkema-Lang, Julia Roso, Matt Brown and Kathy Rice

Councillor Neil Reilly of Team Reilly hopes that through the right planning and development, the area’s characteristics can be kept.

“Maintaining the character of the area is an important issue, and that’s coming from old voters, new voters and younger people,” he says.

“The only thing that is constant is change, but you can shape that change to be acceptable and within the characteristics of the area we live in.

“That means maintaining the green areas in the place and making sure that the buildings in town are designed in such a way to make it Kiama-eristic.”

Stuart Larkins of Kiama Labor has also had members of the community talk to him about housing affordability.

“I think housing development and housing affordability for young people is on a lot of people’s minds,” he says.

“It’s important that Kiama takes some ownership when it comes to affordable housing because we aren’t in a bubble. We’ve got to operate with the region and we have an obligation to look at all those issues.”

Apart from the need for sensible development, Mark Croxford of Your Community Candidates says people are also concerned with Council’s financial accountability.

“People are concerned with Council’s management of money and they are all disappointed that there was an issue but there was a lack of awareness of it,” he says.

“They don’t really understand what the issue is and want to know because at the end of the day, it is predominantly ratepayers’ money.”

Car parking is another big issue that all the candidates say is being mentioned.

“Parking has been a big issue here - not just in the main street of Kiama but also in Gerringong, in particular the parking area behind the IGA,” says Councillor Matt Brown, Candidate for We Love Kiama, Gerringong, Jamberoo.

“I’d like to see it properly addressed and I think there can be quite a few solutions to go forward here and in Gerringong.”

Pre-polling is from 9-5pm, finishing on Friday 3 December. There is no absentee voting this year, but you can ivote. Details at the NSW Electoral Commission.

On election day, 4 December, booths will be open 8-6pm at Minnamurra Public School, North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre, Kiama High, Kiama Uniting Church, Jamberoo Public School, Werri Beach Progress Hall, Gerringong Town Hall and Gerroa Neighbourhood Centre.

Note there will be no booth at The Pavilion.