Donna Portland
13 July 2023, 3:21 AM
Gather your team of trivia enthusiasts and join Gerringong Children's Medical Research Institute Committee at the Gerroa Boat Fishermans Club on Friday 4 August for a Jeans for Genes fundraising campaign. It is the biggest Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI) Gerringong event nationwide!
Wear your jeans, buy a badge, and support the cause!
By supporting Jeans for Genes endeavours, you will be helping scientists at the Children’s Medical Research Institute to make further groundbreaking progress. Here are some of the ways you can help: $1 - fight cancer, $5 - treat epilepsy, $10 - crack the causes of blindness, $500 - help cure liver disease, $1,000 - make a new discovery, help scientists test a new drug that could treat cancer, epilepsy or other neurological conditions.
An unexpected discovery that has the potential to save millions of people from the need for transplants and dialysis is a drug that CMRI developed to treat epilepsy and may also cure kidney disease (see
CMRI Gerringong will sell merchandise at IGA Gerringong on Friday, 28 and Saturday, 29 July, Thursday, 3 and Friday, 4 August.
A denim quilt designed, made, and donated by the Kiama Quilters’ Guild will be raffled this year. It features a striking red and blue geometric theme that will appeal to all ages. The raffle will be drawn at the Trivia night.