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Kendalls to remain as is

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Cathy Law

16 August 2022, 10:47 PM

Kendalls to remain as is

Council will not be progressing with Councillor Warren Steel’s idea of looking for partners to redevelop Kendalls Beach Holiday Park into a five star hotel [Steel wants 5 star hotel at Kendalls], with Councillors voting 7:2 against the proposal (Steel and Croxford for).

Councillor Kathy Rice said the idea had no community support and was no quick fix given the time it would take to reclassify the land.

Councillors Croxford and Brown expressed concerns about the criticism of Cllr Steel on social media, given his good intentions.

“He, like a lot of us, is very concerned about this Council’s financial situation and this is what has motivated him,” said Councillor Brown [Council: waiting to hear from the Minister].

“I am also concerned about Kiama’s financial position but I don’t think this is a solution to that. We need to focus on what is fundamentally wrong and not look for quick fixes such as this.”

After the vote, Cllr Croxford tried to have the Holiday Park included on the list of assets under consideration for divestment.

“Everyone by now is aware of Council’s financial situation,” he said.

“It is imperative that we explore all options available to remedy our financial situation.”

He pointed out that any recommendation for divestment would have to come to Council for endorsement.

“If we are serious about resolving our financial matters, it does not hurt us to put this property on the list.”

Mayor Neil Reilly commented before the vote that Audit Office has repeatedly asked Council to look at its assets very closely.

The motion was lost 6:3 (Croxford, Steel and Reilly for).