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Kiama High School Open Night 2023

The Bugle App

Brendon Foye

09 November 2023, 11:18 PM

Kiama High School Open Night 2023

Kiama High School threw another successful Open Night on 7 November 2023, giving future students a glimpse into what their future schooling might look like.

The night was run by students and teachers alike, with peer leaders and volunteers leading prospective students through a range of activities from science, music and technology through to sports and the arts.

It was also an opportunity for Kiama High’s senior students to show off their major works for the year, which thoroughly impressed onlookers with the skills and talents of tomorrow’s future leaders.

Seven Year 11 students are raising money for their trip to the National Youth Science Forum taking place in January next year. The trip will cost $3000 each, so the students sold lollies while their parents and teachers helped out with the sausage sizzle to help raise funds for the trip.

The NYSF Team: Kai King, Charlie Philpott, Charlie Meredith, Keziah Whitford, Maisie Whitbourn and Emily Farrah

KHS student and artist Tabitha Marshall with her grandfather and drawing subject, Mario

Singer and student Misha belted out bangers for attendees

Caelen shredded his version of 'Eddie' by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Henry wowed new students with chemistry experiments

The Bugle's Molly Jackson had a hair-raising time with the physics experiments

Thanks to Phoebe and Maya for giving The Bugle a brush up on our physics knowledge

Youngsters got to test out the gym with a hectic game of floor hockey