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Kiama loses Jazz Alley mural

The Bugle App

Brendon Foye

15 June 2023, 12:00 AM

Kiama loses Jazz Alley muralMikey Freedom on the day he painted the Jazz Alley mural

Kiama has lost an artwork that celebrated the town’s connection to jazz & blues after it was painted over on Wednesday.


The mural, simply titled ‘Jazz’, was painted on a lane wall adjacent to the St Vincent de Paul Society shop on Terralong St. The work was painted by local artist Mikey Freedom in 2017 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Kiama Jazz & Blues festival that year.


As an avid fan of jazz himself, Mikey said the mural was directly inspired by the vibrant album artwork associated with the genre.


However, the mural has since been covered by a layer of beige paint as part of renovations to the Vinnies store.

The Jazz Alley mural on Wednesday afternoon 

Mikey told The Bugle he was disappointed his mural had been erased, which had originally been gifted to the town for free.


“I’ve been painting murals for over three decades, and I know they can be costly at times, but I don’t like that to be a hindrance,” says Mikey.


“I like the idea of investing in where I live and not making it all about money, so it’s about giving freely what I do and what I love doing so I can enhance where I live.”


Kiama residents and visitors can still see Mikey’s work around town, including on the side of the Scout’s Hall at Black Beach, and Little Earth Cafe near the Little Blow Hole.

Mikey said giving back to the community was an important part living here, whether it’s an artwork or any other assistance.


“Everyone has something to provide, something to give their community. They just have to look first at what’s in their hands, it doesn’t have to be up in lights or out of the ordinary, it can just be whatever is in yourself to do.”


“If we only think in big picture terms, I think we miss what we’re able to contribute. It just so happens that I’m an artist that paints murals, but I’m sure there are people that do amazing things that they don’t see what they’re doing is special. Just by virtue of sharing it, they add to who we are and where we live.”