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Kiama Rotary supports budding young local scientists

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Local Contributor

27 February 2025, 8:00 PM

Kiama Rotary supports budding young local scientists From left to right: David Russell, Macey Guy, Nicola Porritt, Emma Trudgett, Lauren Moss and Rotary Pres. Phil Whyte.

By Brian Petschler

Kiama Rotary Club helped fund four young Kiama students to attend the National Youth Science Forum in January 2025. Macey Guy, Nicola Porritt and Emma Trudgett are year 12 students at Kiama High School. They attended the forum at the Australian National University, Canberra. Lauren Moss, a student at Smith’s Hill High School, went to the forum at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

All four young women attended the Rotary meeting on 17 February to tell the Rotary members of their exciting experiences accompanied by parents. 

Rotary, a founding partner of NYSF, helps run these forums at Australian universities. Since 1983, the 9 day programs have expanded students' knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) career opportunities. Over 14,000 young Australians have participated to date. Kiama Rotary has successfully nominated students for many years, including the four 2025 nominees. 

All four students indicated the forum was an amazing experience. They were able to investigate a wide range of career and study options, some of which they had not considered to date. Medical research, nursing, museum conservation, forensic chemistry, biology, super computers, astrology, astrophysics, Antarctica research, the study of DNA and auto-immune issues were all on display, as well as many other STEM areas of interest.

All emphasised how the NYS Forum had opened their eyes to so many careers they had not considered – so many things they could study and do! They also remarked on the great new friends they had made among the 300 students attending NYSF this year, and all looked forward to expanding those friendships and their future options after completing school.

Kiama Rotary’s Youth Director David Russell thanked the students for being great ambassadors for Kiama at the 2025 NYS Forum and gave special mention to Ms Ruth Powell, science teacher at KMC, for her continuing support to Kiama Rotary in its youth programs. 

David also outlined the two other major youth projects Kiama took part in each year, the first being the Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly (RYLA), aimed at developing leadership skills in young people between 19 and 25 years of age. It involves a Rotary subsidised, week-long live-in personal development program at Stanwell Tops. 

The second youth support scheme is called RYPEN (Rotary Youth Personal Enrichment Program) aimed at students in years 9,10 and 11. Successful nominees attend a Rotary subsidised weekend of personal growth and development.

“Kiama Rotary looks forward to helping young people in our area to gain the skills and confidence to meet this challenging world”, Director David Russell said,” and we invite students from the municipality to consider applying through their schools for these sought after programs. 

President Phillip White supported David and encouraged any person interested in the Club’s youth programs or in joining Rotary to contact the club via the club’s website.

For further information, contact Brian Petschler on: 0421902815 or by email at [email protected]