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Kiama Seaside Probus Club visit the Capricorn Coast

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

02 July 2024, 9:00 PM

Kiama Seaside Probus Club visit the Capricorn Coast

Plenty of warm sunshine was what 26 members of Kiama Seaside Probus anticipated when they recently took a trip to the Capricorn Coast in Queensland. Two air flights and a bus trip concluded with a five night stay at Yeppoon from where an amazing itinerary of unique activities and sights was organised.

Participants explored local scenes and towns, visited amazing limestone caves, observed live cattle auctions, making sure no one accidently emerged with a pen of bulls, attended a very entertaining musical theatre night, travelled to Great Keppel Island and enjoyed wonderful times around food.

Seaside Probus exists to provide fun and fellowship for its members. This trip ticked all the appropriate boxes. And yes, the sun shone each day.

Relevant information about the club exists on the website: