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Kiama Surf Beach hosts Australian Bodysurfing Classic 2023

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18 September 2023, 11:48 PM

Kiama Surf Beach hosts Australian Bodysurfing Classic 2023Kiama SLSC tag team

Kiama Surf Beach played host to the highly anticipated Australian Bodysurfing Classic 2023 on Saturday 16 September. This prestigious contest, organised and promoted by WAW Handplanes, stands as New South Wales' premier surfing event. With over 140 passionate competitors representing 14 teams from across the nation, the day was marked by the spirit of camaraderie and the celebration of bodysurfing—an inclusive sport accessible to anyone who can swim.

The Australian Bodysurfing Classic is an annual, team-centric competition that draws participants of all genders and a wide age range, including many world-class bodysurfers. Teams from as far as Western Australia and Hawaii converged on Kiama, marking the event's first appearance in a regional venue. Previously, the competition has been held at renowned beaches like Cronulla, Narrabeen, and Maroubra.

Neil Reilly, Mayor of Kiama.

The day began with a heartfelt Welcome to Country, followed by a warm greeting from Kiama's Mayor, Neil Reilly. Despite the swell being slightly less than expected, the participants' enthusiasm remained unshaken as they eagerly took to the water. The competition featured individual heats, 'longest ride' tag team events, and 'tricks' tag team events, keeping the excitement levels high throughout the day.

The day concluded with the traditional 'Fin Sprint,' a thrilling relay race across the beach where all competitors donned their flippers. This year, the 'Cobras' team, a formidable group of water enthusiasts from Sydney's northern beaches, clinched victory. The 'Bate Bay Body Bashers' from Cronulla secured second place, while the 'Wommin Wompers' from the Tweed Coast claimed the third spot. A noteworthy achievement was made by 'The Ladies' from Newcastle, the first all-female team in the competition's history, who came tantalisingly close to a podium finish in fourth place.

Special recognition goes to the Kiama Surf Life Saving Club, which provided invaluable services throughout the day and graciously hosted the post-event celebration in their excellent clubhouse. Notably, the club also fielded a team in the competition, achieving a respectable 8th place - a commendable performance for their debut in the event.

For those inspired by this thrilling bodysurfing spectacle, you can explore ways to get involved by following the links below: