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Kiama’s new council is a hopeful beginning for community focused leadership

The Bugle App

Lynne Strong

08 October 2024, 11:53 PM

Kiama’s new council is a hopeful beginning for community focused leadership

Opinion by Lynne Strong

As the results of the Kiama council election settle, the message is clear: our community has chosen a path focused on the greater good, not personal agendas or divisive politics.

There’s hope that the newly elected councillors will bring much-needed collaboration and integrity to the table.

While the councillors have yet to prove themselves, the election marks a shift towards unity, where long-term solutions, innovation, and fiscal responsibility must take priority. As

Zora Neale Hurston wrote, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” Now, Kiama needs answers.

Across Australia, we’ve seen elections where controversial figures, like Andrew Thaler in the Snowy Monaro Region, have gained seats on local councils. Thaler’s campaign tactics leaned on stirring conflict and driving wedges between people, a style that echoes populist politics seen in the US focused more on tearing others down than fostering cooperation.

By contrast, Kiama’s councillors were elected on a platform of working together and focusing on what really matters—housing affordability, fiscal responsibility, and infrastructure. Tackling these issues will take a balanced approach, with councillors who listen to different perspectives, engage with the community, and focus on real solutions.

This election serves as a reminder that voting matters. Our community has set the tone, but it’s up to us to hold our representatives accountable, ensuring that promises turn into action. By fostering respect and collaboration, we can build a council that represents the best of Kiama.

The road ahead won’t be easy, but there’s optimism. Let’s support our councillors as they work to tackle the challenges ahead, and together, ensure Kiama thrives.