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L'Etape uncertainty

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

05 August 2021, 9:22 AM

L'Etape uncertainty

This year's L'Etape cycling event is under a cloud with Shoalhaven Council passing a resolution saying it will 'discourage' the L'Etape event from being held at the end of November.

Shoalhaven councillors voted to discourage the event, and seek the support of Gareth Ward in opposing the event, due to their concern on the impacts on local businesses, residential properties and COVID-19.

"So many compromises have been made to accommodate concerns and that is why I am flabbergasted why this unilateral decision has been made without consultation," says Councillor Matt Brown, Chair of Destination Kiama.

"We should be working together as a region as we always have. So often the Shoalhaven has asked for our money to promote the region as a whole, such as with the Unspoilt campaign. We always give it, and more often than not it benefits the Shoalhaven most."

Councillor Brown and the Mayor with Destination Kiama with L'Etape organisers and cycling legend Simon Gerrans ahead of last year's postponed event

With the event and region benefiting from $1 million in promotion on SBS, 6000 riders plus their families and friends are expected to come down for it, and as well as those who have already come down for practice leading up to the race.

"The Shoalhaven are cutting their nose off to spite their face if they go ahead with this. I will be seeking an envoy to meet with them so we can work through these issues. It is so important we work together to promote our whole region," says Cllr Brown.

"Kiama cannot accommodate everyone who wants to come down and already a lot of people are booking in the Shoalhaven.

"I respect the councillors expressing concerns about some of their businesses, however the bulk of their businesses will benefit enormously from this event."

The organisers of L'Etape Australia, Lateral Events, have yet to hear formally from Shoalhaven Council.

The L'Etape course goes from Kiama to Shoalhaven Heads, Berry, Kangaroo Valley, Robertson, Jamberoo and back to Kiama, via Saddleback Mountain. It has already been postponed twice (once due to COVID and once due to the weather), and is due to be held on Sunday 28 November and on the same weekend in 2022.