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Liberal candidate starts campaigning

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Cathy Law

08 March 2023, 8:46 AM

Liberal candidate starts campaigningLiberal candidate Melanie Gibbons meets locals at the Farmers' Market

Melanie Gibbons ended her first day on the campaign trail as the Liberal candidate for Kiama with a trip to the Kiama Farmers’ Market to meet voters.

She’s keen to get the Premier down to campaign for her, given he tapped her on the shoulder earlier this week, just in time to register with the Electoral Commission for the 25 March Election.

“I said yes because Kiama needs a Liberal representative,” she says.

“We need to give people to have the chance to vote Liberal if they want to.

“I love representing people and the opportunity to do that again, in such a special area, was really appealing.”

Until this election, Ms Gibbons was the Member for Holdsworthy, but she failed to receive endorsement to run there again when her local branch was disbanded.

“Politics happens,” she says philosophically.

Mike Cains (r) introduces Ms Gibbons to Kel and Mahlah Grey of The Pines

Prior to this she achieved the rank of Parliamentary Secretary, and was mentioned as a ministerial contender.

If elected, she plans to live in the electorate, happy to be close to family and friends that she already visits regularly.

“My kids are five and six, so we are at the point where moving is still quite easy,” she says.

On a busy day as the news was revealed, she says her family have already been really supportive, offering spare rooms in the lead up to the election.

“I know all the state issues from my time in Parliament, and I already know a lot of the issues down here because of my family and friends.

“I want to find out more by talking and listening to as many people as I can.

“I am well known as someone who can listen and take things to the government to make change. Obviously health care, transport, employment and cost of living are major issues statewide, and I want to hear how they impact people locally.”

Asked if Liberal preferences will go to Mr Ward, who she was in Young Liberals with, Ms Gibbons says, “That’s up to the Party. But in the end people can choose if they want to give preferences or not.”

The President of the Kiama branch of the Liberal Party, Mike Cains, was impressed by her first outing and the impact her vibrant personality made.

“I think it says a lot about Melanie that she has literally driven straight down from Macquaire St to get stuck into the campaign as quickly as possible.

“She is a person of great experience and integrity, and that is what the people of Kiama need.”

He thinks that other Liberals who have asked to help Mr Ward in his campaigning may change their mind now Ms Gibbons has been endorsed.