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Meet Prince!

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

23 March 2024, 11:00 PM

Meet Prince!

By Kerry Geen

I think it’s fair to say most pets certainly found the silver lining of the pandemic. Pets cherished the increased attention that came with the confinement which came with lockdowns, spending most waking hours alongside their pet parents.

But there was a downside.

Covid changed the dynamic of social interactions both with other dogs and other humans, leaving many pups without crucial socialisation opportunities.

Now that pet parents have returned to their offices and workspaces we are seeing the lingering effects of this time, with an increased number of pets left suffering from anxiety. 

Meet Prince 😊

Prince is a 4-year-old French Bulldog who is full of beans and extremely loving and cuddly. Prince, like many pets post Covid, experienced distress when his parents left the house. This progressively built into a state of anxiety and fear which was not healthy for Prince or his parents. 

Toto & Otis, along with his parents Sarah and Trinity, have worked with Prince over the last three months to gently

improve his condition through weekly doggy daycare, increasing his interaction with different humans and puppies alike. 

The combination of gradual social exposure in a low stress environment, short separation exercises rewarded with positive reinforcement and loads of fun and stimulation have significantly benefited Prince, with a remarkable shift in his anxiety levels. 

Sarah recounts a time where she couldn’t go to the top of the drive to move her car without Prince getting upset, now she happily reports his newfound calmness.

Whilst there’s more work ahead, overall were delighted with the progress we’ve seen so far in This Sweet Little Pocket Rocket. 😊